Andrew Hinderaker

photo of Andrew Hinderaker

Class of 1997


An enormous amount of my time at Memorial was spent in athletics. As a member of the swim team, my days began and ended in the pool, and so it's tempting to claim that I didn't discover the arts until college. But that wouldn't be entirely - or even remotely - true. If not for the JMM choir, I probably never would have pursued musical theater in college - and from there, a career and life in the theater. If not for the great English teacher, Sandy Theobald - and his undeniable passion for Shakespeare - I may not have ever become a playwright. And if not for JMM's extraordinary planetarium (and the days I spent there, looking up, dreaming) I may never have written a Netflix show about space exploration starring a two-time Oscar winner. Which is to say, what I got to experience at JMM - and what I would wish for every student - is access and opportunity.

Students need what we all need: a recognition that their interests, curiosities and passions, have value. I was able to become a professional writer because so many folks along the way - starting at JMM - supported me with mentorship and with resources. It's hard to become a playwright (or director, designer, or actor) unless you can put up a play. And it can be hard to believe that your stories matter unless you get to see yourself (and folks who look like you) on stage and on screen.


Aram Mangasarian


Ray Robinson